Билеты на Остров заблудших душ

Москва - Москва


30 сентября 2024
⚡ 16 человек купили билеты сегодня


«Lost Souls Island» is a play based on Woody Allen’s Central Park West. In the adaptation by La’Theatre, this comedy retains its unique humor and gains new shades, making audiences not only laugh (which is inevitable!) but also reflect on the various aspects of human relationships. Marital infidelity, lies and revelations, love and suffering portrayed by a brilliant cast look both funny and profound. The husband of the main character cheats on her with her friend, while the friend’s husband remains oblivious to the affairs. As the two women share one man, he moves on to a third. The characters lie and twist the truth until the very end, and when lying becomes pointless, they go on the offensive, as the best defense is a good offense. Even an old trophy gun comes in handy to resolve the relationships! It’s not just a simple love triangle, but a much more complex geometric figure, where the love and suffering of the participants portrayed by the brilliant cast look both funny and deep. The play includes an intermission. Changes to the cast may occur without prior notice.



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